Kick-Start Your Career In
Healing & Wellness
Earn An Income While Helping Others Heal. Become A NADA SA Acudetox Specialist In Under 8 Weeks Without Leaving Your Home.
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2000+ Students
Over 2000 happy students enrolled
16+ Years Experience
40000+ Clients treated
Recognised in 40+ countries
How Can You Join This
Booming Profession?
Acudetox is an ancient practice originating from the ancestral science of Chinese medicine. The procedure is performed by an Acudetox Specialist who uses tiny needles inserted into the skin of the outer ear to help balance a person's energy. The needles are inserted into specific points of the skin of the outer ear that align with energy points and organ systems. By balancing the body, mind and spirit and restoring overall energy balance, acupuncture can help people embrace optimal wellness without medication or invasive medical procedures. Acudetox has become extremely popular over the past few decades, with studies showing that the procedure can:
Is a Career in Detoxification
Right For You?
Acudetox has steadily grown in popularity over the past decade and is one of the most popular forms of holistic medicine. Also, it has been scientifically proven to be an effective treatment for many ailments. As the demand for Acudetox increases, so do the number of career paths for specialists. Acudetox practitioners can enjoy the benefit of helping others heal, whilst earning a steady income. According to recent studies, the average Acudetox Specialist earns over $80 000 per year. In South Africa, one can expect to earn R480 000+ per annum. Learn how to help others heal from mental and physical conditions with our revolutionary Acudetox techniques that have successfully helped millions of people worldwide.
We'll direct you to download our brochure which explains how the course works in detail.

Build Your Own Business
With the Acudetox protocol
As a certified Acudetox Specialist, you could create your own business. Help treat the symptoms of migraines, anxiety, chronic pain, addiction, depression, ADHD and more.
What is required?
You do not need to possess any prior experience or a degree to become an Acudetox Specialist. However, you will need a laptop, tablet or smart phone as well as a positive mental attitude and determination in order to successfully complete our program. There is a minimun age requirement of 23 years old to enroll.
We'll direct you to download our brochure which explains how the course works in detail.

Build The Career That
You've Always Wanted
As a NADA Acudetox Practitioner, you can build the career of your dreams. Enjoy a more flexible work schedule, set your own hours and even get a high paying role in another country. Our training and certification is recognized in over 40+ countries across the globe.

Our Process
Purchase either the "Online Only" or "In Person" course option from our store
Get instant access to the online course material as well as lifetime access to it and no time limit to complete the course.
Once qualified, you have the freedom to start your own healing business and be your own boss. Work in more than 18 countries all over the world.
Frequently Asked Questions
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